Translation: @happydanielfan | (take out with full credits) | Original Post: 2018.12.14

During the MAMA in Japan ending, what did the staff come and ask Daniel to do suddenly?

He was holding his jacket and put it across his arm and accepted the sign with both hands.
He heard the explanation from the staff earnestly, and he walked away with confidence.

He lowered the jacket he was carrying…

Then naturally and sexily, he cleared his mission.


ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 06:55 | 291 upvotes

I don’t know what it is, but it makes my heart beat….


ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 06:25 | 270 upvotes

Kang Daniel is sexy and amazing ㅠ


ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 07:02 | 269 upvotes

He has great posture, and just by watching him walk he is so attractive. He has great sense, and all of his actions are natural and sexy. S B (T/N: bad word), so awesome.

ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 07:36 | 88 upvotes

His attitude during the award show is so attractive.


ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 08:01 | 87 upvotes

Kang Daniel R A (T/N: Re Al “real”) born to be idol.


ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 07:03 | 73 upvotes

Whoa, even when he gets asked for a last minute task, he does it so well.

ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 08:09 | 71 upvotes

During award events when he is wearing a suit and just standing there, he is soooo fashionable.


ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 14:25 | 70 upvotes

He has a way of coming in with one-shots, and his impact is breathtaking. When he has an opportunity, he knows how to take it and finish it well… So stunning.


ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 09:30 | 70 upvotes

Even among all those people, his physical can be seen so well d d (T/N: just as it sounds). With his great posture and the way he walks, he was born to be sexy.


ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 08:24 | 64 upvotes

Before on a radio show that I can’t recall, they remarked that Kang Daniel is always ready for a one-shot. I really believe this is true. When I watch the awards show, he is so good at being captured in these one-shots. There is a reason why he’s captured so well in them. He always has great reactions and looks so natural ^^

ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 14:41 | 59 upvotes

He was suddenly asked to do something, but his gestures are so natural and well done. He does well no matter what the situation is. Niel is just soooo good!


ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 16:20 | 58 upvotes

Among Niel fans, if you have not seen him in real life, you shouldn’t ever see him. I saw him really close during MAMA in Korea, and he is really addicting. He remains in your head and does not leave. Daniel in real life is soooo handsome, and current life is not possible… I want to go to all the awards show, and it’s driving me crazy!!

ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 14:36 | 58 upvotes

How come he looks so good while getting up after he cleared his mission?


ㅇㅇ 2018.12.14 10:56 | 58 upvotes

Seriously, I am going crazy because of Kang Daniel S B (T/N: bad word)
