By btcp77
In early February, pictures capturing what appeared to be renovations at the ground floor of the KONNECT Entertainment building was a hot topic of conversation among DANITY. Many speculated that it could be a café but were uncertain if it was meant to be a café for KONNECT staff or open to the public.
Renovations on the ground floor of KONNECT Entertainment gave
rise to much speculation among fans. Photos by agdonet on Instagram.
On February 17, fans discovered an Instagram account for Cafe De KONNECT with what appeared to be an opening date 2020.02.21 and opening hours for a café tagged to the 1st floor address of KONNECT Entertainment’s office. The next day a special café opening celebration event was announced, offering a free cup of hot or iced Americano per person to the 1st 100 DANITY to show up at the café with a membership card from February 19 to 20.
Excitement among fans was already at a fevered pitch when another announcement was made on February 19 for an APEACH KANGDANIEL EDITION special menu available from March 21 to April 20, 2020 as part of the 2nd line-up launch. This special menu would be available at the Kakao Friends Busan flagship store, Japan’s Apeach Omotesando, and Cafe de KONNECT.
As expected, the 1st day of the special café opening celebration event on February 19 was met with enthusiasm from fans. All 100 cups of the free Americano were redeemed within 10 mins of the café opening. In appreciation for the strong support from fans, another 100 cups of free coffee were pledged by Cafe De KONNECT for February 20.

DANITY queuing up at Cafe De KONNECT on the 1st day for the special
café opening celebration event on February 19. Photo by topaz55 on Naver.
The queues and crowd at Cafe De KONNECT were a daily occurrence. Fans who visited the café had nothing but praise for the café’s aesthetics, the pretty Instagram-worthy APEACH KANGDANIEL EDITION special menu items, coaster, and cup holder giveaways.
With the coronavirus situation currently escalating in South Korea, Cafe De KONNECT made a decision to temporarily close the café from February 28 to March 4, 2020 to ensure everyone’s safety. Further updates will be available via Cafe De KONNECT’s instagram account.