Source: LDF MGZ (April 2022)

All-round entertainer Kang Daniel, who is synonymous with youth, spent time with LDF Magazine. What is the secret of Kang Daniel, who is now taking a new step into acting in addition to dancing and singing?

Kang Daniel says that whenever he gets tired of work and daily life, he can heal himself and refresh his driving force to go further through travels. Take a look at what he thinks of travels, and what travel items he always had with him.


Despite travel restrictions due to the pandemic, Kang Daniel still had busy and fierce days. However, the word “healing” was hardly found in his daily life. Over the past few years, Kang Daniel’s daily life has undergone quite a few changes.

Stopping his favorite outdoor activities and moving on to his withdrawl into seclusion, he had to relieve his own stress. His longing for travel was clearly captured on camera.

Q. We are curious about your recent situation. Kang Daniel, how was your year?

Recently, I have been working on a new album and filming a drama, so I have had pretty busy days in succession. It’s a long-awaited photo shoot today, so I’m Excited. (laugh)

Q. What is your usual lifestyle when not working? I wonder how you spend your time on holidays.

In the past, I went to the Han River near my house to ride a board or take a walk in my spare time. These days, I have perfectly adapted to my seclusion. I spend time alone playing board games or watching movies and dramas. I just want to get back to my normal life as soon as possible.

Q. You played your first lead role in the drama Rookie Cops. Is there any special reason that inspired you to take on acting?

I always thought that if I had a chance, I’d like to try acting someday. In the meantime, I received a script for a Disney Plus project called Rookie Cops and I liked the script. So, I was eager to try my luck.

My role in the play is not simply a standout protagonist. Growing up with the people around me, I was even more drawn to the idea that it was a drama in which everyone could play their role each in the role of the main character.

Q. You are expanding your domain in various fields including singing, dancing, emceeing, and acting. Are you usually greedy for work?

Yes. I guess I am pretty much so. Even before I started working in the entertainment industry like I do now, I never took a long break from work. I feel that the happiness that comes from work is also very valuable.

Q. What is your own standard for ‘happiness through work’?

It is a sense of achievement. However, the standard for obtaining that sense of achievement is a little different for me. I tend to be content with small and trivial things, not when I achieve something great. For example, if today’s album recording ended satisfactorily or if I got a good response for my good acting on a drama filming set, I often feel a great sense of accomplishment by doing just that much. (laugh)


Sometimes when we need comfort, we go on a trip. This is because new places and connections found in unfamiliar settings lighten the heavy weight of life for a while, and in some cases remind us of the preciousness of everyday life.

Kang Daniel’s travels give him time to relax and recharge for the next leap forward. He knows how to feel happy and satisfied with the little things, and we heard about the essence of travel.

Q. Now that spring is here, I think outdoor life will become more active. If you were given a vacation, is there a domestic destination that you would most like to visit?

I want to go to Daegwallyeong, which flaunts a wide plain. Born in Busan and living and working in Seoul, I sometimes miss mountains and fields dyed green rather than the sea and the city.

Q. If you could describe travel in three keywords, what would come to mind?

The first is rest. I think the purpose of travel has always been to rest. So, I tend to think more about which accommodation to choose than about food or sightseeing.

The second is myself. I tend to enjoy traveling slowly while enjoying my own full time. Beingdragged somewhere or rushing through schedules only creates fatigue for me.

Finally, the third is recharging my energy. I think you should be able to start working with a new mind when you are fully healed through travel and return to your daily life.

Q. What is your travel style?

I’m the type who enjoys improvised travel. I don’t usually make plans. (laugh) One time, before going to bed in a hotel, I lay down in bed not knowing what time I would wake up, and then I woke up around midnight the next day. I mean, I blew the whole day away. Despite that, I still don’t make plans. I also prefer the experience of unpredictable travel and lead a life in which I take the initiative.

Q. Among the overseas travel destinations you have visited, which one is the first that you want to recommend to LDF subscribers? Or where would Kang Daniel want to go?

One of my favorite travel destinations is Canada! I still miss Canada. Canada, which smelled of maple syrup from the moment I got off at the airport, reminds me of a scene from a fairy tale. Maybe it’s because it’s a country I traveled to to when I was young, and I think that kind of afterimage remains stronger in me.

Personally, I want to visit Bali and Hawaii at least once. I tend to prefer summer resorts. (laugh)

Q. What do you think is the most valuable thing you can get through travel?

What makes you tick! As I said before, I think you gain the strength to make a new start again through travel. We get tired easily from the stress we get from work, but the moment we go on vacation feels all the sweeter.

Sometimes, when we get out of the cycle of life and experience unfamiliar places and meet new people, I think we get a completely different energy. Isn’t the reason why travel is so enjoyable because the expectation of excitement in the word unfamiliar is inherent in it?


“Ordinary premium” means luxury enjoyed in everyday life. You can say that it is a cherished item that everyone has at least one.

“Ordinary premium” for you only that you can always find in your daily life, including travel. What kind of things does Kang Daniel have? His cherished collection alone could give us a glimpse of his style and taste.

Q. When you travel abroad, you often get attention for your sensible airport fashion. What style of clothes do you usually choose?

I usually like to wear a coat, so my airport fashion captured is most of the time a look with a coat. Personally, I prefer to wear a hood or sweatshirt layered rather than wearing it neat and correct. I once went out in a pink hooded coat with a striped pattern on it. I think my ‘airport fashion’ that was filmed at that time was well received by the fans. It is also the closest to the everyday look that I usually enjoy.

Q. Like the coat mentioned above, what kind of ‘cherished items’ do you take with you when you travel?

When I travel, I always carry a crossbody bag. It’s easier to carry than a backpack, and it’s convenient because you can quickly get the contents out whenever you need them. Above all, in the case of a backpack, I was a little anxious because of a possible theft. So, I think I prefer a crossbody bag. Occasionally, my bag was torn and valuables were stolen, so I think I’m more careful now.

Q. Among the fashion items that you own, which items fit the word ‘ordinary premium’?

Shoes! Since I dance, I am very interested in special or unique shoes. Among the items I own, I think shoes are the only thing to which the expression of ordinary premium applies. (laugh)

Q. You successfully finished the LDF Magazine photo shoot today. What would you say to the readers of LDF Magazine, who will see you in the April issue?

I hope that you will continue to take a lot of interest in my activity and I hope you enjoy reading the April issue of LDF Magazine. This is the first time I’ve taken a photo shoot with a travel theme, and I’m glad that it seems to have indirectly helped me regain the joy of travel. I hope that you will be able to travel freely in the not-too-distant future, and bye for now!