Mnet’s Street Dance Girls Fighter has concluded its run on January 4, 2022. Following the success of the previous show Street Woman Fighter, the spin-off show centered around high-school girls dance crews, followed the trend with steady ratings. Praises for MC Kang Daniel from viewers and dancers also continued, solidifying his presence as a street-dance MC and the possibility of his return for the upcoming male version of the dance crew competition, Street Man Fighter.
[📱] 녤스타그램 릴스 220104
스걸파 파이너어어얼ㄹㄹ#강다니엘 #KANGDANIEL
— 강다니엘갤러리 (@KDanigall) January 4, 2022
또 나만 떨지..
— ㅉㄴ (@jjkdniel3) January 4, 2022
Nielsen Ratings
Episode | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
National Ratings[s] | 1.9% | 2.1% | 2.1% | 2.2% | 2.3% | 2.3% |
GoodData Top 10 Non-Drama TV Topic
Netizens reacted with good responses to his emceeing after the finale:[s]
“Kang Daniel’s reactions align well with the points and rankings, so I was paying attention to him ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I have to hear him cheer in order to enjoy watching.”
“He attacked us with his face a lot today. And he was so funny. Every time he said an adlib, it made me think he does better when he isn’t given a script.”
“He thought he did pretty well emceeing during SWF, and he wasn’t bad today as well ㅋㅋ And it’s hilarious how his reaction = my reaction…. As I watched the stages, if I went ‘oh’, he’s going ‘whoa~~~’ as well ㅋㅋㅋ He really looks like a puppy. And he was pretty today.”
“It’s funny how, since he’s gotten comfortable with the SWF members, he jokes around with them a bit.”
“He was crazy handsome today ㅠ He had so many lines to say too. You really have to acknowledge that he worked hard during this live broadcast.”
“The gif of him throwing his cue cards is so cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ His back and forth with the SWF dancers was fun too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ah, but the staff were giving him his cue cards in real-time. He really worked hard.”
“I liked how his emceeing isn’t exaggerated. This time as well, he would deliver water to all the teams before the battles. He takes care of others in the background, and his emceeing feels friendly as well, so I’ve grown fond of him. For the next while, he’ll probably come to my mind whenever it’s a Tuesday ㅋㅋㅋ”
“He’s handsome, cute and overflowing with consideration and kindness with how his takes care of the participants. He’s totally just a big and sweet puppy.”Read more on ohrenjibuzz.
Little did anyone know, Daniel revealed on UNIVERSE that they went through the run-through all night and went straight to the live broadcast. Despite his prompter even suddenly shutting off so he had to freestyle, fans exclaimed that it was not noticeable. He closed his message with “To the SGF crews, master team, viewers and to DANITY that were watching until the end, thank you so much!!”[s]
[Oh!녤] 스걸파 파이널 생방송이 끝났습니다!!
스우파에 이어 스걸파까지 다니티와 함께 달려올 수 있어서 행복했습니다🥰
스걸파에 출연하신 댄서 분들도 마지막까지 정말 정말 수고하셨습니다!! #강다니엘 #KANGDANIEL— 강다니엘 KANGDANIEL (@konnect_danielk) January 4, 2022
Leejung master-nim not forgetting to thank MC Kang Daniel too for his hard work aww look at him looking so shy but happy hehe
— 🍁🍑ᴰᴬᴺᴵᵀᵞ (@_autumnpeach) January 4, 2022
대본 던져버렷!!!! ……… 줍줍
— ㅉㄴ (@jjkdniel3) January 4, 2022
Street Man Fighter is coming this summer, Daniel: ‘See you then!’ He said it himself!
— ꪖꪹỉ. (@arimuuu94_kdn) January 4, 2022
[#스걸파] 최종 우승 크루 ‘턴즈’
<스트릿댄스 걸스 파이터>
턴즈의 우승을 축하합니다!🎉여고생 원탑 크루 선발전
<스트릿댄스 걸스 파이터>
그동안 시청해주셔서 감사합니다. #스트릿댄스걸스파이터 #SGF #Mnet #엠넷— Mnet (@MnetKR) January 4, 2022
[#스걸파] 그동안 <#스트릿댄스걸스파이터>를 시청해주셔서 감사합니다❤️🔥
든든한 서포터가 되어주신 마스터님들과💪
춤에 대한 뜨거운 열정을 보여준 여고생 크루들💃
많은 관심과 애정을 보내주신 시청자 여러분까지👏<스걸파>의 모든 순간을 함께 해주셔서 감사합니다🌟#Mnet #엠넷
— Mnet (@MnetKR) January 7, 2022
Other SGF dancers posted commemorative pictures with Kang Daniel. There were also interactions and messages. LACHICA’s Gabee thanked him for his hard work in her SNS update. CocaNButter’s Gaga posted on her Instagram story about Daniel’s jubilant laugh when she said “Ready, Fight!” during the show. Brand New Child crew members posted on Instagram Story:[s] [s] [s] [s]
“Best MC thank you~”
“I took a photo and shook hands with Niel-ssi. Assa! Thank you. You’ve worked hard.”
“I shook hands with Daniel-oppa today. I’m not gonna wash my hands.”
“Together with Niel-oppa.”
“Brand New Child with Niel-oppa.”
MisMolly’s Lee Seoyeon revealed a couple days after the finale that Kang Daniel is who inspired her to start dancing.[s] [s] [s] [s] [s] [s]
“If there’s a reason I started dancing…!! When I was in 6th grade, I was really into Produce 101 Season 2. I fell in love with Kang Daniel’s dance and began learning to dance ☺💕 I also text voted for Kang Daniel during the Produce live final. It’s such an honor to get to meet him in person at SGF now after 4 years have passed!!🌸”
Previously, a friend of MisMolly members revealed funny anecdotes:
Kim Ryeoeun was terribly surprised meeting Kang Daniel… because she was surprised to have seen an angel in a very unexpected place…
Jung Eunchae announced she wouldn’t wash her hands after she shook hands with Kang Daniel.
Park Seeun testified that Kang Daniel’s legs are at her shoulder-level… Everyone was in shock…